Rosin your bow for these 28 arrangements of music from Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. This collection features medleys of traditional ganglats, hallings, hambos, jigs, menuets, polkas, pols, polskas, and waltzes. Also included are a few arrangements of compositions by various Scandinavian composers including Edvard Grieg, Ole Bull, and Hans Christian Lumbye.
The interesting melodic bits in these arrangements have been distributed among all three parts, so you will all have a chance to play melodies, harmonies, and rhythm licks
A spiral bound printed Score Book is available for this collection.
Each of the collections in the Trios for Strings series consists of nine individual part books. Each of the three trio parts (A, B, and C) are available for Violins, Violas, and Cellos. For the arrangements to work there has to be at least one A part, one B part, and one C part because the melody bounces from one part to another.
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PDF files that can be emailed to you are available worldwide for each of the individual part books in our "Trios for Strings" series, as well as our "Tunes for Two" series.
Scandinavian Trios for Strings Part Books
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“Scandinavian Trios for Strings” trio packages of part books to be mailed to you...
(Spiral Bound. Printed on 8.5" x 11" paper.)
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Scandinavian Hambo Medley: “Skinnbracka Med Lucku”, “Varvinda Friska”, “Roines Hambo” Scandinavian Polka Medley: “Laeg Di Maw” (“Blacksmith’s Polka” -- Danish), “Iltin Tiltu” (Finnish), “Lurveleven” (Norwegian) Scandinavian Waltz Medley: “Festvalsen” (Danish), “Svensk Annas Vals” (Swedish), “Bjonvalsen” (Norwegian) DENMARK Danish Jig Medley: “Jig in A Major”, “Jig in D Major”, “Den Toppede Hone fra Vensyssel”, “Trekantet Slojfe fra Thy” Danish Menuet Medley: “Vindt Moolle Menuet”, “Menuet in A Minor” Danish Polka Medley: “Rask Polka”, “Railaenger Polka”, “Alborg Polka” Danish Waltz Medley: “Forkert Vals”, “Vals”, “Festvalsen” “Salut for August Bournonville” by Lumbye “Walzer” by Kuhlau FINLAND Finnish Menuet Medley: “Menuett from Tjock”, “Gammel Torsin”, “Ta Hit En Fiol” Finnish Polka Medley: “Kaustisten Polka”, “Sakkijarven Polka”, “Jeppolat” Finnish Polska Medley: “Polska fran Kaustinen”, “Polska efter J.E. Taklax”, “Polska in D Minor”, “Polska in D Major” Finnish Waltz Medley: “Valssi Kemiosta”, “Larinettivalssi”, “Metsakukkia”(“Forest Flowers”) “Karelian Dance” by Palmgren “Menuetto” by Merikanto “Minuet” by Palmgren NORWAY “Anitra’s Tanz” by Grieg “Nocturne” by Bull Norwegian Halling Medley: “Halling fra Lom”, “Kjellarlemmen”, “Halling fra Budal”, “En Liten Lugum Lok I Moll” (“Halling efter Hans Brimi”) Norwegian Polka Medley: “Hoppvals from Roros”, “Postmannen”, “Torgrimdansen” Norwegian Pols Medley: “Pols”, “I Bryllupsgarden”, “Rorospols” Norwegian Polska Medley: “Gregorieleiken”, “Polska from Fredriksten”, “Hu Hei! Kor Er Det Vel Friskt Og Lett” SWEDEN “Scherzo”, by Alfven “Supen” Swedish Ganglat Medley: “Appelbo Ganglat” , “Ganglat from Mockfjard”, “Rattvikarnas Ganglat”, “Sabb Johns Ganglat” Swedish Polka Medley: “Stockholms Polkett”, “Chicken Polka”, “Polkan Gar”, “Painter’s Polka” Swedish Waltz Medley: “Emma’s Waltz”, “Vals from Jamtland”, “Boda Valsen” “Tranquillamente” by Maier |
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