These spiral bound collections each include 21 olde tunes composed between the years 1100 and 1650. Love songs, sad songs, dance songs, waltzes, etc., from Germany, France, England, and Italy will add depth and change of pace to your repertoire. Includes helpful hints on playing the tunes and a source list.
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“Edi Beo Thu” “Gabriel From Heaven Came” “Venes Apres Moi” by Adam de la Halle “Sophia” by Erasmus Widemann “J’ai Encore un tel Paste” by Adam de la Halle “Dit le Bourgignon” “Trairi Deluriau” by Adam de la Halle “The Jester” by Deborah Greenblatt “Anna” by Erasmus Widemann “Margaretha” by Erasmus Widemann “He! Robechon” by Adam de la Halle “Lekhah Dodi” by Solomon Ha-Levi Alkabetz “Courante” by Samuel Scheidt “Tanzen und Springen” by Hans Leo Hassler “Estampie Anglais” “Bransles de Champaigne” “Saltarello” (2/4) “Saltarello” (6/8) “Trotto” “Estampie Royale” “Nota” “Galliard” by Susato |
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