49 traditional Swedish tunes arranged for two players, with chords for back-up musicians included.
Each Tunes for Two collection consists of individual spiral-bound duet books presented in score form with melody on the top line and harmony beneath so you can play each tune by yourself or with others. Duo arrangements of the tunes in this collection, in the same keys, are available for violins, violas, cellos, basses, mandolins, soprano recorders, and alto recorders.
The tunes in this collection are laid out so that there are no page turns to interrupt the flow of your playing.
PDFs are available worldwide for each of the books in the Tunes for Two series.
Domestic Shipping Info
• We ship packages to mailing addresses in the United States only. |
Printable PDFs are available worldwide for most of the books we offer. We are in the progress of adding the rest in the very near future. |
“Akermans Polska”, “Alsinger Sekstur”, “Appelbo Ganglat”, “Becaringsmarsch, from Harjedalen”, “Begavningsmarsch, from Funasdalen”, “Boda Valsen”, “Bodapolska”, “Brollopsvals”, “Elverumspols”, “Emma”, “Eng”, “Filibom Valsen”, “Ganglat, from Dalarna”, “Ganglat, from Holmsveden”, “Grasshoppornas”, “Halling”, “Hammarlunds Polska”, “Hurtemor”, “In a Green Meadow”, “Ingrid Dardels”, “Jamtlands Brudmarsch”, “Kallnaschotis”, “Kyrklat, from Vastmanland”, “Laugrens Polska”, “Lillbackvalsen”, “Long Dance”, “Myr Vilhelms Hambo”, “Norrala Polska”, “Orrpolskan”, “Pardis March”, “Pling-Plong Hambo”, “Plinka Plonka Mazurka”, “Polka, from Ratan”, “Polkett, from Jamtland”, “Polska in A”, “Polska in A, from Medelpad”, “Polska in A, from Ratan”, “Polska in Dm”, “Polska, from Stensele”, “Prastmarschen”, “Schottis, from Lulea”, “Sjijnmyra Valsen”, “Skaneland”, “Spel-Borgens Polska”, “Supen”, “Swedish Wedding March”, “Vals, from Nasteln”, “Vinden Blaser”, “Wedding Tune” |
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