
Hungarian Fiddle Tunes for Two

39 traditional Hungarian tunes arranged for two players, with chords for back-up musicians included.

Each Tunes for Two collection consists of individual spiral-bound duet books presented in score form with melody on the top line and harmony beneath so you can play each tune by yourself or with others. The tunes are laid out so that there are no page turns to interrupt the flow of your playing. Duo arrangements of the tunes in this collection, in the same keys, are available for violins, violas, cellos, basses, and mandolins.

PDFs are available worldwide for each of the books in the Tunes for Two series.

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• We ship packages to mailing addresses in the United States only.
• A shipping charge of $5.00 will be added to all orders that total less than $50.00.
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• USPS estimates a package delivered by Media Mail in the US will arrive in 2 to 8 days.

Printable PDFs are available worldwide for most of the books we offer. We are in the progress of adding the rest in the very near future.

Hungarian Fiddle Tunes for Two Basses

Book: $15.00

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Hungarian Fiddle Tunes for Two Cellos

Book: $15.00

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Hungarian Fiddle Tunes for Two Mandolins

Book: $15.00

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Hungarian Fiddle Tunes for Two Violas

Book: $15.00

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Hungarian Fiddle Tunes for Two Violins

Book: $15.00

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Hungarian Tunes for Two PDFs

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Tunes in this Collection...
“Az Erdo Szelibe”, “Bonchidai Menyecskek”, “Bujj, Bujj”, “Calusari”, “Cifra Palota”, “Csipkefa Bimboja”, “Esik Az Eso, Azik A Heveder”, “Esik Eso, De Nem Azok”, “Este Van Mar”, “Fejer Retek, Fekete”, “Flute Tune from Felsoiregh”, “Fut a Bacsu Lo Utan ”, “Gyere Be, Gyere Be”, “Ha Felmegyek A Budai Nagyhegyre”, “Hej Jancsika”, “Hej Sar Elo”, “Hull A Szilva A Farol”, “Hungarian Dance, 2, from Szek”, “If You Leave Me, Do Not Return”, “Jol Van Dolga”, “A Juhasznak Jol Megy Dolga”, “Kerek a Szolo Levele”, “Lanc, Lanc, Eszterlanc”, “Lavotta Serenade”, “A Malomnak Nincsen Kove”, “March”, “Mikor Leany Voltam”, “Most Kezdodik a Tanc”, “Nagy a Feje Busuljon A Lo”, “Pittyedare”, “Pontozo”, “Ramas Czizmat Visel A Babam”, “Serkenj Fel Kegyes Nep”, “Szaraz Tonak Nedves Partjan”, “Szelrol Legeljetek”, “Tavaszi Szel Vizet Araszt”, “Telen Nyaron”, “Ugy Tetszik”, “Virageknal Eg A Vilag”


“The tunes are short, one or two pages each, in a variety of keys, with a predominance of harmonic minor... Melody lines rarely go beyond third position. Much of this material could be played by young students, and this would be an excellent and interesting text for sight reading for middle level students. The tunes are fiddle material and would make a great string orchestra piece if performed together. The accompaniments are generally easy and have added interest of double stops, pizzicato, and left hand pizzicato...”

... P.M.H. American String Teacher, August 2009

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