from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM (CT)
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Wednesday, Wednesday, February 5, 2025from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM (CT)
Click here if you live in a time zone other than Central Time (CT)
Friday, February 7, 2025from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM (CT)
Click here if you live in a time zone other than Central Time (CT)
Each of the 7 music modes evoke a different mood and offers the player opportunities to explore unique melodic pathways. A better understanding of modes can help us appreciate what a 6 hole whistle is capable of.
The emphasis is on simple. If you can play a 2 octave scale on your whistle, starting with all holes covered, then you will likely be able to play along throughout the session.
During the session we will investigate simple methods to improve improvisational skills by appling basic fundamental music theory concepts to the guide your creative flow.
During the session we will play around with 3 major diatonic scales, 4 minor diatonic scales, 3 minor pentatonic scales, arpeggio patterns, at least 1 tetrachord pattern, etc., as we investigate how to apply those to ongoing chord progressions to make jamming more fun and adventurous.
You do not need to know how to read musical notation. We will be doing this mostly by ear. There is no book available from us that supports this workshop but a PDF containing the screens displayed during the session will be sent via email to participants along with their Zoom invitations.
If you are interested in any of these workshops please enter your name and an email address that we may use to send the Zoom invitation and to communicate with you for the purposes of these workshops.