
Harmonica Helper

I’m in the Mood for Modes
via Zoom with David Seay
for folks who own a 10 hole diatonic harmonica in the key of C that they want to explore
no need to be able to read music notation

Tuesday, April 1, 2025

from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM (CT)

If interested but the time does not work for you feel free to send me an email (g-s@greenblattandseay.com) to let me know.

During this session we will explore the differences between playing straight harp (key of C), cross harp (key of G), and slant harp (key of Dm) on a 10 hole diatonic harmonica in the key of C major.

You do not need to know how to read musical notation. We will be doing this mostly by ear. There is no book available from us that supports this workshop but a PDF containing the screens displayed during the session will be sent via email to participants along with their Zoom invitations.

Pre-registration is required.

The cost of this workshop is $15.00. If you are interested please enter your name and an email address that we may use to send the Zoom invitation and to communicate with you for the purposes of these workshops.

Contact Info

Click 'Submit' to start your registration
by sending the above information to
Greenblatt & Seay.

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before the next screen appears.

If your registration was successful you will
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